Cats and Coins

cats and coins game
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Game Information

cats and coins game

Cats and Coins is a fun retro-styled platformer game with charming pixel graphics. Collect coins to unlock the next level or create a level to your liking. This game features it's own custom level editor, so you can create a level to challenge your friends.

Arrow keys: Change selection
C key: Accept/continue
X key: Cancel/back

Play Mode
Left and right arrow keys: Move player
Down arrow key: Crouch
C: Jump (also against walls when wearing the boots and down platforms when crouching)
X: Shoot (when wearing the collar)
Enter: Show/hide pause menu
Space: Show all collected coins

Edit Mode
Arrow keys: Move the cursor
C: Place tile/object
X: Remove tile/object
Enter: Show/hide pause menu
Space: Show/hide tool selection screen

There have been 2,829 plays and 5 likes from 8 votes since 28/09/2020.

Game Reviews


Play Cats and Coins game online in your browser free of charge on Arcade Spot. Cats and Coins is a high quality game that works in all major modern web browsers. This online game is part of the Platform gaming categories. Cats and Coins has 5 likes from 8 user ratings. If you enjoy this game then also play games Among Us with Cats and Catscratch - This Means War. Arcade Spot brings you the best games without downloading and a fun gaming experience on your computers, mobile phones, and tablets. New arcade games and the most popular free online games are added every day to the site.